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10 Things Leaders in the Workplace Can Learn from Hospital Clowns

#1 Creativity and Adaptability:

Hospital clowns have to adapt to different situations, finding creative ways to bring joy and engage their audience.

Leaders should embrace creativity and adaptability to foster innovation and overcome challenges.

#2 See the Person:

Hospital clowns focus on the person in front of them, not their position or their illness.

Leaders should recognize their employees for the individuals that they are, not their title or positions.

#3 Read the Room:

Hospital clowns sense the room to know if it is the right time to enter and what kind of energy to bring into it.

Leaders should know how to read the room and approach their team accordingly. This way, they attend to the needs of the group.

#4 A Systems Approach:

Clowns know that for the best impact, they need to make EVERYONE's day better - patients, families, nurses, doctors, and ALL other staff. Their smile will benefit others.

Leaders who know the importance of how all parts of the system affect each other can get better results.

#5 Empathy and Compassion:

Clowns demonstrate genuine empathy and compassion towards patients, recognizing their vulnerabilities.

Leaders should strive to understand and support their team members, creating a caring and inclusive workplace culture.

#6 Transparency and Openness:

A hospital clown often shows "the strings behind the magic" and the person behind the red nose.

Leaders should be transparent about the processes and how things run, as well as being open to show a personal side of themselves.

#7 Team Collaboration:

Hospital clowns work together and alongside the medical staff as a team, complementing each other's strengths.

Leaders can achieve collaboration and teamwork by encouraging open communication, fostering a sense of belonging, and recognizing diverse talents.

#8 Active Listening:

Hospital clowns listen attentively to patients, understanding their needs and emotions.

Leaders can enhance their skills by actively listening to their team, building trust, and fostering a supportive environment.

#9 It's Not Your Show:

Hospital clowns focus on improving the experience of the people around them by making them the heroes, as well as the smart and the strong ones in the situation. It's not about the clown.

Leaders should focus on building up their team, giving them opportunities to shine. It's not about the leader.

#10 The Power of Small Gestures:

Hospital clowns know the impact of small gestures of care. Sometimes a red nose and a kind smile is all that is needed.

Leaders can inspire their teams by creating a culture of appreciation, caring and recognition.

Adopt a clown state of mind to get serious business done!

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