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Be the Missing Piece in the Puzzle: Achieving Balance in Team Dynamics

Not too long ago I was invited to lead sessions for a small team that was struggling with dynamics and with managing meetings effectively. I spent a whole day of workshops and learning with them.

We opened the day with a short personality type assessment, to identify “who is in the room”. It made it easy to very quickly understand what the main issue was- they were missing a piece of the puzzle. They were missing a type.


When it comes to building an effective team, it’s not just about getting along; it’s about creating a balance of personality types to maximize productivity and creativity. Imagine a puzzle where one piece is missing—it’s incomplete and less functional. It is the same with teams.

To achieve the best results, we should create a balanced mix of four essential personality types.

  1. The Conceptual: These are the big-picture thinkers. They bring creativity, energy, innovation, and forward-thinking ideas. Their strength lies in dreaming up possibilities and setting ambitious goals. However, without practical implementation, these ideas can remain just dreams.

  2. The Practical/ Driver: These individuals excel in organizing, planning, and executing tasks. They transform ideas into actionable steps and make sure things get done. But without fresh ideas and enthusiasm, their plans might lack inspiration.

  3. The Analyzer: Known for their attention to detail and critical thinking, Analysts focus on data, accuracy, and problem-solving. They ensure that strategies are based on solid evidence and that potential risks are mitigated. Yet, without the energy and ideas from other types, their focus on detail can become overly cautious and could lead to paralysis.

  4. The Interpersonal: These team members are the glue that holds everything together. They excel in communication, conflict resolution, and fostering a positive team environment. They ensure that team dynamics are smooth and that everyone feels valued. However, without diverse perspectives, their ability to create a balance might be limited.

To succeed, a team needs to include all four personality types. If a type is missing, the team may struggle to achieve its full potential. For instance, without a Conceptual, the team might become stuck in routine tasks without exploring new opportunities. Or a team without an Analyzer might miss important details, leading to mistakes.

What can you do to fill the gap?

If you notice that a particular personality type is missing from your team, consider these strategies:

  1. Recruitment: When adding new members, think about the personality traits that are currently missing and seek out candidates who can bring those traits to the table.

  2. Role Adjustment: Within your team, identify and encourage individuals who may possess the missing traits. Sometimes, team members can flex their personality traits and develop new strengths with the right support and training.

  3. External Support: Engage consultants or freelancers who can fill the gaps temporarily. Their fresh perspectives can also introduce new ideas and methodologies.

  4. Team Building: Create opportunities and an environment where different personality types can collaborate and appreciate each other's strengths. This helps in balancing dynamics even if the ideal mix isn't quite there. By experiencing together, debriefing, identifying the gaps and sharing tools to work better together, you can overcome gaps in your team.

Remember, just like a puzzle, each piece is crucial for completing the picture. If we make sure that all four personality types are represented, we can create a more balanced, effective, and successful team.



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