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How to Lose Your Employee in 3 Months: A Tale of Disregarded Needs

Losing valuable employees within a short period of time can be a result of various factors, including a lack of appreciation for their strengths, motivations, and the challenges they face. In this blog post, we will explore three stories that share a commonality of a three-month period until reaching a breaking point. From these stories, we will look at valuable lessons that emphasize the importance of recognizing and supporting employees' needs and motivations.

While reading, ask yourself what some of the strengths, motivations and actions demonstrated in the stories.

Story 1: The Disregarded Voice of Experience

In this story, an employee with 12 years of experience expressed concerns during a meeting about pushing the start date of a project. They highlighted potential repercussions for the rest of the process and the looming deadline. Unfortunately, their valid points were dismissed, and they were accused of being negative. Despite being recognized for their valuable organizational memory, their voice and opinions were consistently silenced. Eventually, they realized it was time to move on.

Lesson 1: Value Employee Expertise and Insights

Recognize the value of experienced employees and their insights gained through years of service. Actively listen to their opinions and encourage open dialogue, as their expertise can lead to better decision-making and prevent future problems.

Story 2: Ignored Needs and Lack of Support

In this story, an employee returning from vacation requested information to start working independently. They suggested a team meeting to share the needed information, but their request was denied because it didn't align with the needs of new team members. This lack of support continued as their needs were continuously ignored.

Lesson 2: Support Individual Needs and Growth

Acknowledge and address the specific needs of each employee. By providing the necessary resources, information, and support, you empower them to perform at their best and foster a sense of trust and loyalty.

Story 3: Frustration and Unheard Voices

Feeling burnt out and unheard, this employee expressed frustration and a desire for their needs to be met in a feedback meeting with their boss. However, their concerns were met with a demand to promise to change their attitude. The employee promised to change and asked that the boss recognize and support the employee’s professional needs, a request that met a vague promise to "try".

Lesson 3: Listen and Take Action

Actively listen to employees' concerns and frustrations. Provide them with a supportive environment where they feel heard and understood. Take concrete actions to address their needs, rather than relying on vague promises that may further contribute to their discontent.


The common thread in these stories is the failure to recognize and support employees' needs and motivations. To retain valuable employees, it is essential to value their expertise, address their individual needs, and actively listen to their concerns. By creating a culture of respect, support, and open communication, organizations can foster an environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered. Remember, losing an employee not only results in their departure but also represents a missed opportunity to tap into their unique strengths and contributions.

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