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Just open your ears and Listen

Updated: Mar 16

Wise words from my dad: 'We were given two ears and one mouth, so we listen twice as much as we talk.' He lives by this philosophy, and it made me reflect on the true value of our words.

To be a person whose words are of great value, we must first understand what is valuable and to whom. Perception is key. It starts with a listening sandwich:

 Listen - Understand the person in front of you. Who are they? What's their experience? What's their world view? What are their needs?

 Talk - Ask for clarification, reflect on what you understood, and share your opinion. Offer value based on understanding.

 Listen - Wait for a response and truly listen before talking again.

Communication is about providing information people need. To ensure it's of value, we must ask, listen, talk, and be open to feedback.

Let's strive to be the kind of communicators whose words are truly valued!

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